Affect, Politics and Religion in Iceland Religion in politics is a contested field even without taking its affective and emotional dynamics into account. But exactly this was the aim of our workshop “Affect, Politics, and Religion” (held by Ricarda Ameling, Aletta Diefenbach and Antje Kahl) that took place at the end of July 2022, for which a … weiterlesen
Wandel der Institutionen
Ein Gespräch mit Anja Kerschkewicz vom feministischen Kollektiv Frauen und Fiktion über kollektives Arbeiten, kollektive Ästhetiken sowie Kommunikations- und Führungstools für angehende Theaterregisseur*innen.
Affective Authoritarianisms
Authoritarian and populist leaders have been rising on a global scale for some years now. While Egypt and Turkey slid into dictatorship after considerable public mobilization and revolutionary protests in 2011 and 2013 respectively, seemingly consolidated democracies also experienced substantial political shifts. From India to Hungary, from Russia to Brazil, the number of authoritarian policies, … weiterlesen
Affective societies, affected scientists! 5 Questions to Mohammed Bamyeh
The interview series poses questions concerning the role of affects and emotions in research practice and contemporary society to researchers on short-term visit and associate members of the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies”. Today we introduce Mohammed Bamyeh. He is Professor of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh (USA), and President of the Board of … weiterlesen
Experiencing Colonialism through Visiting Collections
Most of what I know about colonialism and colonial injustice in Tanzania I have learned at school. In the history classes at secondary school, we were taught about the brutal establishment and expansion of first German, later British domination which involved plundering, looting, and the killing of those who resisted colonialism. Although I had learned … weiterlesen
Bodies of Knowledge. Familiäre Manifestationen von Macht
Dieses Essay ist ein Versuch. Der Versuch, die abstrakte Idee eines ‚Undoing mastery‘ – eines Nicht-Beherrschens, Nicht-Wissens, Nicht-Entsprechens – in die Praxis akademischen Schreibens zu überführen. Er ist inspiriert von Julietta Singhs Vorschlag eines ‚un-masterful writing‘ als ‚vulnerable writing‘, als ein verletzliches Schreiben, das persönliche Sequenzen einfordere. Indem die Realität der eigenen Situiertheit im Schreiben … weiterlesen
Diese Zeile steht in fetten schwarzen Lettern irgendwo in Berlin Kreuzberg auf eine Häuserwand gesprayt. Beim Vorbeilaufen freue ich mich, bleibe stehen. Aktivismus im Alltag. Aber was für ein Aktivismus ist das, der Aufmerksamkeit möchte? Bezeichnend ist, dass dieses politische Graffito mit der Ankündigung, in Zukunft weniger aktivistisch zu sein, unter der Voraussetzung, dass die … weiterlesen
Somewhere beyond Berlin and Hanoi
The series “Vietdeutsche(s) Leben” (Viet German Life) aims to provide insight into the diversity of Viet German life realities. In this context, Birgitt Röttger-Rössler has already reported in an article of April 24, 2021 on the anthology “Ist Zuhause dort, wo die Sternfrüchte süß sind? “(2020), published by Vlab, a non-profit organization that promotes German-Vietnamese encounters and cultural exchange. … weiterlesen
Viet German Life – Don’t call me a foreigner
The series „Vietdeutsche(s) Leben“ (Viet German Life) aims to provide insight into the diversity of Viet German life realities. In this context, Birgitt Röttger-Rössler has already reported in an article of April 24, 2021 on the anthology “Ist Zuhause dort, wo die Sternfrüchte süß sind? “(2020), published by Vlab, a non-profit organization that promotes German-Vietnamese encounters and … weiterlesen
Experiencing Colonial Photographs differently
For my master thesis I am working on two albums of colonial photographs from the collection of Weltmuseum Wien. The photographs were taken by Max Schoeller, a German entrepreneur and hobby anthropologist. Between 1896 and 1897 he traveled East Africa and collected several thousands of ethnographic objects and took photographs of people, infrastructure, animals, and … weiterlesen