For my master thesis I am working on two albums of colonial photographs from the collection of Weltmuseum Wien. The photographs were taken by Max Schoeller, a German entrepreneur and hobby anthropologist. Between 1896 and 1897 he traveled East Africa and collected several thousands of ethnographic objects and took photographs of people, infrastructure, animals, and … weiterlesen
Algorithmic media and the becoming ir/rational of affect. A book review.
Affective Transformations. Politics – Algorithms – Media contributes to the growing academic literature on the relations between affect and algorithmic media. The anthology emerged from a conference organized by the Affective Media Studies research group at the University of Potsdam and includes critical and interdisciplinary, albeit predominantly philosophical engagements with the increasing automation and regulation … weiterlesen
How to decolonize knowledge production? Thoughts on the recently launched Affect and Colonialism Web Lab
As researchers at a Western university, we are working in an environment that is deeply structured by hierarchies, by neoliberal economic logics and an unequal distribution of possibilities. This situation is also a direct result of colonialism and its legacies – a fact that is often overlooked and therefore remains a blind spot in much … weiterlesen
Looking Local: Affective Benefits and Burdens in the Academy
In the current moment we are bearing witness to a rising tide of negative affect among academics. #Ichbinhanna comprises just one example of a wider global movement that has been swept to the fore by increasingly competitive, exploitative, and precarious working conditions; conditions which are encouraged under the corporate university model, and which university administrators … weiterlesen
Affective societies, affected scientists! 5 Questions to Annemarie Samuels
The interview series poses questions concerning the role of affects and emotions in research practice and contemporary society to researchers on short-term visit and associate members of the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies”. Today we introduce Annemarie Samuels. She is an assistant professor at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. On April 29th, she … weiterlesen
The Trouble with Institutions: Un_Doing Diversity?
Diversity, as a concept, as a keyword, and as a buzzword, has gained momentum in the last decades. Rooted in civil rights and resistance movements of the 1960s in the US, the concept started off as a means to fight racism, exclusion and discrimination, and as a demand for equal rights. It bears strong connections … weiterlesen
Affective societies, affected scientists! 5 Questions to Steffi de Jong
The interview series poses questions concerning the role of affects and emotions in research practice and contemporary society to researchers on short-term visit and associate members of the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies”. Today, we introduce Steffi de Jong who is a historian at University of Cologne. During the lecture series Affective Publics: places – … weiterlesen
Viet-deutsche(s) Leben – erzählt / Truyện kể hiện thực đời sống Việt-Đức / Viet-German Life – narrated
Neuerschienener Sammelband „Ist Zuhause da, wo die Sternfrüchte süß sind?“ („Quê hương có là chùm khế ngọt?“ / „Is home where the star fruits are sweet?„) Dieser Text liegt in deutscher, vietnamesischer und englischer Fassung vor. Für die vietnamesische und englische Übersetzung bitte je nach unten scrollen. The text is available in German, Vietnamese and … weiterlesen
Affective societies, affected scientists! 5 questions to Robert Seyfert
The interview series poses questions concerning the role of affects and emotions in research practice and contemporary society to researchers on short-term visit and associate members of the Collaborative Research Center “Affective Societies”. Today, we introduce Robert Seyfert who is Professor of Sociology at Kiel University. During the lecture series Mobility Affects, he gave a … weiterlesen
(Non-)Sexual AI: (Un-)Doing Sex:bots (&& their User(s)) – Part II: Wo:manhoods Between Catcalls and Compliments
In the last part of this essay, I pointed out how entities (re)shape themselves and are (re)shaped by getting in touch with other entities, thus becoming constituents within a process of mutually felt co-constitution. Further I highlighted the necessity to take a detailed look at the variety of entangled constituents: how (im)mediate users co-create the … weiterlesen